
Fabien Grolleau comic

Menji and the Ruins of Mount Mystery

Menji and the Ruins of Mount Mystery

At last! The long-awaited moment has come: the Sea Dragon has awoken! And much to everyone's consternation, it was that good-for-nothing Menji—with the help of his friends Xitli and Nara—who got to the strange creature first. But our young feline friend is not in the clear just yet! The formidable emperor Raana IV is hell-bent on capturing the dragon and using its powers to consolidate his control over the archipelago. And that's not all! Menji's former master, Fox, is looking to take revenge on his old apprentice.

Guardian of Fukushima

Guardian of Fukushima

It was March 11, 2011 when a massive earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami, which, in turn, destroyed the core three reactors of the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan. This tragedy cost almost 20,000 lives and devastated countless more, including Naoto Matsumura, a farmer evacuated from the deadly radiation zone.

Tangier in the Rain

Tangier in the Rain

In 1912, Matisse is feeling a little fed up. In Paris, Picasso is hogging the limelight, so Matisse decides it's time for some fresh air, a little space, and a different kind of light. That's it, he'll cross the Mediterranean and start painting a new kind of nature. He's going to Tangier. Problem is, when he finally gets there, it starts raining. In Villa de France, his palatial hotel looking down over Tangier, he has to make do with painting what he can: his bedroom. And so it begins: Room 35 is consigned to canvas, in a series that goes on to become legendary in art history.
