

Status: Completed
Author: Jason Rand
Messiah or Anti-Christ? Terrorist or savior? The world's first superhuman or alien invader? Who is the Emissary and what is his mission? When he reveals himself high over New York City, how will people react? And more importantly, what will he do when the government tries to kill him? Emissary is a re-examination of the superhero mythos, which asks the question: How would the world react to a real superhuman? With awe or with fear, with joy or with hatred?
Last updated


List Emissary's chaps

#Issue TitleDownloadUpdated
1Issue #1 9.4MB6 years ago
2Issue #2 12.9MB6 years ago
3Issue #3 9.7MB6 years ago
4Issue #4 11MB6 years ago
5Issue #5 12.2MB6 years ago
6Issue #6 10.4MB6 years ago

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